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Cleaver Scientific

חברת Cleaver Scientific, שנרכשה על ידי Thistle Scientific Ltd, מתכננת ומייצרת מוצרי אלקטרופורזה וכן מוצרים ייעודיים למחקר במדעי החיים לצד ציוד מעבדה סטנדרטי. החברה הוקמה ב-1997 ומאז מספקת מוצרים ושירות ללקוחות ברחבי העולם.

*המחירים אינם כוללים מע"מ ועלולים להשתנות בהתאם למחירוני היצרן ולשערי המטבע

המוצר נוסף לעגלה


1,290 ₪ *Buy 500gr, get 600

CleverGEL is an environmentally friendly agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. CleverGEL is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. CleverGEL is now available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.

Cat No.



המוצר נוסף לעגלה


180 ₪

CleverGEL is a new environmentally friendly agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. CleverGEL is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. CleverGEL is now available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.

Cat No.



המוצר נוסף לעגלה


180 ₪

CleverGEL is a new environmentally friendly agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. CleverGEL is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. CleverGEL is now available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.

Cat No.


 מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 7 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 7 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

1,990 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount + extra two combs

The MultiSUB Mini is the smallest unit in the range, designed for low to medium numbers of samples. The small gel size maximises run economy but does not compromise versatility as two tray options are available – 7 x 7cm and 7 x 10cm – and combs ranging from preparative up to 16 samples. Simply by altering the gel tray or comb, this compact unit is capable of resolving up to 64 different samples, prepping 1ml of sample or separating sample bands over a distance of 9cm.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 10 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 10 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

2,200 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount + extra two combs

With gel tray options of 10 x 7cm and 10 x 10cm, the MultiSUB Midi has been designed for routine horizontal gel electrophoresis. Extending only the width of this unit allows more samples to be resolved per gel than the MultiSUB Mini, without a significant increase in buffer or gel volumes.
A maximum of 100 samples per gel can be resolved, making this unit ideal for those routinely checking medium numbers of samples over short to medium gel run lengths. Loading guides allow easy well identification and sample loading. Scoops are also available as an option to allow safe transfer of gels.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 15 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 15 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

2,390 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount + extra two combs

The MultiSUB Choice offers a wide degree of versatility. Three tray options are available; 15 x 7cm, 15 x 10cm and 15 x 15cm – allowing the choice of one, two or all three gel length options at the time of purchase. Further purchases of additional accessories are no longer required. Maximising comb and tray options allow up to 210 samples to be resolved per gel. The 15cm total run length allows restriction fragment or other close MW sample bands to be easily separated and identified. Speed loading is accomplished using 10, 14, 16, or 18 sample multi-channel pipette compatible combs.
Fabricated MultiSUB choice stretch units are available with optional 15 x 20cm and 15 x 25cm gel trays and four 28-sample combs for those researchers wanting to perform higher resolution separation of more samples over a longer distance. MultiSUB Choice Trio includes all 3 tray sizes for optimum versatility and value.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 20 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 20 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

Starting from 3,900 ₪ *+10% discount

The MultiSUB Maxi is primarily designed for resolution of high numbers of samples, such as from Cloning or PCR. The MultiSUB Maxi allows ultra high-resolution separations over extended runs. Tray sizes correspond to standard blotter sizes. It also allows easy sample transfer onto a membrane for further analysis.
Four gel tray sizes are available; 20 x 10cm, 20 x 15cm, 20 x 20cm and 20 x 25cm. Multichannel pipette compatible combs of up to 40 samples facilitate speed loading of up to 440 samples per gel. 50 sample combs allow maximum sample capacity of 550 samples per gel. Casting dams allow gels to be rapidly cast externally while the MultiSUB Maxi unit is in use for gel running.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 26 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 26 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

4,880 ₪ *+10% discount

Designed for rapid screening of very large numbers of Clonal or PCR samples, the MultiSUB Screen horizontal gel unit has a 672 maximum sample capacity per gel. This allows loading and analysis of exactly seven 96-well format microtitre plates. The large gel run length of 32cm also allows resolution of samples over a long distance for separation of complex sample bands, such as in restriction fragment analysis.
The unit is available with a full length tray or with other tray length options of 16 or 24cm so that the user’s exact requirements can be matched. In addition to options for single length gel trays, the MultiSUB Screen is available with all three gel tray lengths to provide the maximum in flexibility, versatility and value. Buffer recirculation ports are included as standard to allow enhanced resolution over extended runs while loading guides enhance well visibility for easy sample loading.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 96 בא�ריות  להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 96 באריות להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

1,990 ₪

The MultiSUB Midi 96 Gel System is ideal for high throughput electrophoresis of PCR products or samples containing a small number of DNA bands. Its 10x12cm (W x L) gel dimensions and 96-well comb block format correspond to the standard microplate configuration. Two different types of comb are available; one with 8 wells and one additional lane for DNA markers, and one with 8 wells and 2 additional lanes for markers. The offset layout of the wells allows a maximum run length of 1.8cm per well, resulting in improved separation.

Cat No.


מערכת �אלקטרופורזה אופקית הכוללת אילומינציית לד להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית הכוללת אילומינציית לד להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

3,200 ₪ *Including MSMINIDUO and blue light table

The runVIEW MINI uses harmless blue light to illuminate both traditional Ethidium bromide stained gels as well as new generation safe stains such as runSAFE. Slotting under any gel tank, but perfect for our MINI and MIDI sized multiSUB gel tanks. The system comes with an orange filter window to visualise DNA in real time within your gel tank, prefect for quickly checking PCR fidelity and restriction digest results. The system can also be used as a stand-alone transilluminator with the gel placed direction on the illuminator.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית זמן-אמת להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית זמן-אמת להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA

6,990 ₪ +10% discount *Including MSCHOICETRIO, blue light table and power supply

Track DNA without harmful UV.
Using RunVIEW is simple; first, cast a gel featuring two rows of wells with one matching pair of the preparatory combs supplied, before transferring the blue-light transparent gel tray to the MSCHOICE tank located on the base unit. Add sufficient buffer just to cover the gel, and remove the combs to load the DNA samples into the upper row of wells (loading tier). Replace the lid to connect the MSCHOICE tank to the integrated power supply before applying the voltage and switching on the blue LED gel illuminator. Watch through the bluVIEW lid viewing pane as the samples migrate in real-time to the second row of wells (extraction tier). Once the DNA bands of interest enter the tier, simply stop the power supply, remove the lid and harvest the DNA by pipette.

Cat No.


ספק כוח לאלקטרופורזה 700 מיליאמפר, 300 וולט

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

ספק כוח לאלקטרופורזה 700 מיליאמפר, 300 וולט

2,920 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount

The PowerPro 300 is a versatile multi-function power supply suitable for a wide range of electrophoresis applications. At 300V, 700mA and 150W the PowerPro 300 has nearly twice the current and power of the market leading equivalent unit. Perfectly suited for use with Cleaver Scientific’s multiSUB range of horizontal electrophoresis systems and omniPAGE Mini vertical electrophoresis systems.

The PowerPro 300 even has built in pre-set protocols from running each of Cleaver Scientific’s electrophoresis systems, and allows users to create and save protocols for their own systems. A 2.4” TFT-LCD Screen displays the current running parameters and allows the user to browse pre-set and saved protocols.

The PowerPro 300 can be operated at constant voltage, constant current or constant power and can store up to 30 programmes with up to 6 steps each. The convenient pause/resume key allows any run to be temporarily halted for inspection of the gel and restarted from the same position. The PowerPro 300 is the ideal power supply for:

Routine horizontal electrophoresis using multiSUB Mini, Midi and Choice.
Vertical Electrophoresis using omniPAGE Mini.
This unit has a 12 month limited warranty, for more information, consult our terms and conditions.

Cat No.


ספק כוח לאלקטרופורזה 800 מיליאמפר, 500 וולט

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

ספק כוח לאלקטרופורזה 800 מיליאמפר, 500 וולט

5,410 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount

With a maximum 500V, 800mA and 300W voltage, current and power output, the PowerPro 500 is an excellent general-purpose power supply that fits the broadest range of electrophoresis applications, and can run as many as four units under a constant or programmable setting. It has the capacity to store up to 30 programmed files, each with 6 steps. This makes the PowerPro 500 perfect for techniques that benefit from subtle and gradual stepwise changes in the electrical parameters as the run progresses, such as DGGE and large format vertical PAGE using Cleaver Scientific VS20-DGGE and WAVE systems.

The PowerPro 500 even has built in pre-set protocols from running each of Cleaver Scientific’s electrophoresis systems, and allows users to create and save protocols for their own systems. A 2.4” TFT-LCD Screen displays the current running parameters and allows the user to browse pre-set and saved protocols. The PowerPro 500 can be operated at constant voltage, constant current or constant power. The convenient pause/resume key allows any run to be temporarily halted for inspection of the gel and restarted from the same position.

The PowerPro 500 is the ideal power supply for:

Routine horizontal electrophoresis using multiSUB Mini, Midi and Choice.
Vertical Electrophoresis using omniPAGE Mini.
Cleaver Scientific DGGE.
Vertical Electrophoresis using omniPAGE Maxi.
This unit has a 12 month limited warranty, for more information, consult our terms and conditions.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה אנכית מיני להרצת ג'לים חלבונים + בלוטר

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אנכית מיני להרצת ג'לים חלבונים + בלוטר

4,480 ₪ *With wet blotter

By combining both functionality and ease of use, the omniPAGE systems set the bench mark for simple, versatile vertical mini gel electrophoresis. Each omniPAGE electrophoresis system can accommodate up to 4 handcast gels (additional plates required) or 2 commercial precast gels to provide complete flexibility for individual research needs, while unique sliding clamp technology within the PAGE insert facilitates fast, intuitive leak-free casting.
With a trouble-free set up and consistent performance, the omniPAGE Mini Vertical systems are perfect for today’s laboratories, where the ability to generate reproducible results quickly is essential.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרו�פורזה אנכית רחבה  מיני להרצת ג'לים חלבונים + בלוטר

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה אנכית רחבה מיני להרצת ג'לים חלבונים + בלוטר

5,080 ₪ *With wet blotter

The OmniPAGE Mini Wide vertical gel unit with an active gel width of 18cm effectively allows double the number of samples to be resolved as the OmniPAGE Mini unit. This allows consistency of sample comparison on a single gel and is designed for those with greater than 20 samples to compare and resolve.
Simple set up using ultra soft silicone seals guarantees trouble free glass plate loading and gel casting. Dual gaskets on the gel running insert along with notched and plain glass plates ensure leak proof gel running. Rapid set up cooling retains resolution in extended separations and also saves on buffer volume without affecting run quality.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה מאקסי להרצת ג'לים חלבונים

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה מאקסי להרצת ג'לים חלבונים

5,600 ₪

The omniPAGE WAVE Maxi System is Cleaver Scientifics latest product innovation for large format vertical gel electrophoresis. Designed to perform a variety of separations, including first and second-dimension SDS-PAGE, native, preparative, gradient and high-resolution nucleic acid electrophoresis, plus capillary tube gel IEF and electroblotting, the VS20 WAVE is one of the most versatile maxi vertical systems available.

Cat No.


מערכת אלקטרופורזה מאקסי להרצת ג'לים חלבונים + בלוטר

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

מערכת אלקטרופורזה מאקסי להרצת ג'לים חלבונים + בלוטר

7,080 ₪ *With wet blotter

The omniPAGE VS30 maxi-plus large format vertical has been designed as a convenient unit for second-dimension PAGE following first-dimension isoelectric focusing using the CSL-IEF. An active gel width of 26cm easily accommodates IPG strips up to 24cm in length, the longest available commercially, while an extended gel height of 22cm maximises separation distance and resolution of proteins similar in size or isoelectric point (pI). In combination with the CSL-IEF, the VS30DSYS provides a complete 2-D electrophoresis system which utilises the advanced features of the omniPAGE range to produce a unit that is both easy to use and consistent in generating reproducible results.

Cat No.



המוצר נוסף לעגלה


4,500 ₪

Semi Dry Blotting has the added benefit of economic transfers due to very low buffer volumes – typically only a few millilitres of buffer are required per transfer. These Semi-Dry Blotters have a screw down lid, which secures the blot sandwich and allows complete control of pressure ensuring even transfer. The electrodes, comprising platinum coated anode and stainless steel cathode, will exhibit practically no corrosion and so provide many years of trouble free use.

Cat No.



המוצר נוסף לעגלה


2,470 ₪

The Mini omniPAGE Sub Blot systems are complete stand-alone units for submarine blotting. Each unit comprises an omniPAGE tank and lid, electroblotting insert, and cassettes and fibre pads. The versatile design of the omniPAGE tank and lid allows the unit to be easily adapted for vertical PAGE or IEF with capillary tube gels, using the relevant optional insert. Other features.

Cat No.


Power supplies

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

Power supplies

2,900 ₪

The Sub Blot Mini and WAVE high intensity transfer systems combine the cooling capacity of wet submarine blotting units with the speed of semi-dry transfer systems. Both systems utilise plate electrodes to create a higher strength electric field and greater current density than conventional wire-electrode systems. This allows transfer of broad range molecular weight proteins to be achieved typically within an hour in the Sub Blot Mini, and in 1-2 hours using the WAVE Sub Blot System.

Cat No.


בלוטר 96 באריות

המוצר נוסף לעגלה

בלוטר 96 באריות

2,350 ₪ *for 96 samples capacity

Four different sample number, size and style of Hybridisation Manifold are offered; two types of Dot Blotter and two types of Slot Blotter.
Typical applications include clone screening with DNA/RNA probes in Southern/Northern blots and immunological screening with antibodies in Western blots. The units incorporate precision lapped surfaces to ensure uniform blotting membrane contact and a leak proof gasket. These prevent lateral transfer of samples and smudging by ensuring that a complete vacuum is formed. Six thumbscrews ensure even and tight sealing for fast sample suck down.

Cat No.


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