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Cleaver Scientific
חברת Cleaver Scientific, שנרכשה על ידי Thistle Scientific Ltd, מתכננת ומייצרת מוצרי אלקטרופורזה וכן מוצרים ייעודיים למחקר במדעי החיים לצד ציוד מעבדה סטנדרטי. החברה הוקמה ב-1997 ומאז מספקת מוצרים ושירות ללקוחות ברחבי העולם.
*המחירים אינם כוללים מע"מ ועלולים להשתנות בהתאם למחירוני היצרן ולשערי המטבע
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
1,290 ₪ *Buy 500gr, get 600
CleverGEL is an environmentally friendly agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. CleverGEL is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. CleverGEL is now available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
180 ₪
CleverGEL is a new environmentally friendly agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. CleverGEL is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. CleverGEL is now available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
180 ₪
CleverGEL is a new environmentally friendly agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. CleverGEL is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. CleverGEL is now available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 7 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA
1,990 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount + extra two combs
The MultiSUB Mini is the smallest unit in the range, designed for low to medium numbers of samples. The small gel size maximises run economy but does not compromise versatility as two tray options are available – 7 x 7cm and 7 x 10cm – and combs ranging from preparative up to 16 samples. Simply by altering the gel tray or comb, this compact unit is capable of resolving up to 64 different samples, prepping 1ml of sample or separating sample bands over a distance of 9cm.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 10 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA
2,200 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount + extra two combs
With gel tray options of 10 x 7cm and 10 x 10cm, the MultiSUB Midi has been designed for routine horizontal gel electrophoresis. Extending only the width of this unit allows more samples to be resolved per gel than the MultiSUB Mini, without a significant increase in buffer or gel volumes.
A maximum of 100 samples per gel can be resolved, making this unit ideal for those routinely checking medium numbers of samples over short to medium gel run lengths. Loading guides allow easy well identification and sample loading. Scoops are also available as an option to allow safe transfer of gels.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 15 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA
2,390 ₪ *Special offer: +10% discount + extra two combs
The MultiSUB Choice offers a wide degree of versatility. Three tray options are available; 15 x 7cm, 15 x 10cm and 15 x 15cm – allowing the choice of one, two or all three gel length options at the time of purchase. Further purchases of additional accessories are no longer required. Maximising comb and tray options allow up to 210 samples to be resolved per gel. The 15cm total run length allows restriction fragment or other close MW sample bands to be easily separated and identified. Speed loading is accomplished using 10, 14, 16, or 18 sample multi-channel pipette compatible combs.
Fabricated MultiSUB choice stretch units are available with optional 15 x 20cm and 15 x 25cm gel trays and four 28-sample combs for those researchers wanting to perform higher resolution separation of more samples over a longer distance. MultiSUB Choice Trio includes all 3 tray sizes for optimum versatility and value.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 20 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA
Starting from 3,900 ₪ *+10% discount
The MultiSUB Maxi is primarily designed for resolution of high numbers of samples, such as from Cloning or PCR. The MultiSUB Maxi allows ultra high-resolution separations over extended runs. Tray sizes correspond to standard blotter sizes. It also allows easy sample transfer onto a membrane for further analysis.
Four gel tray sizes are available; 20 x 10cm, 20 x 15cm, 20 x 20cm and 20 x 25cm. Multichannel pipette compatible combs of up to 40 samples facilitate speed loading of up to 440 samples per gel. 50 sample combs allow maximum sample capacity of 550 samples per gel. Casting dams allow gels to be rapidly cast externally while the MultiSUB Maxi unit is in use for gel running.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
מערכת אלקטרופורזה אופקית 26 ס"מ להרצת ג'לים DNA/RNA
4,880 ₪ *+10% discount
Designed for rapid screening of very large numbers of Clonal or PCR samples, the MultiSUB Screen horizontal gel unit has a 672 maximum sample capacity per gel. This allows loading and analysis of exactly seven 96-well format microtitre plates. The large gel run length of 32cm also allows resolution of samples over a long distance for separation of complex sample bands, such as in restriction fragment analysis.
The unit is available with a full length tray or with other tray length options of 16 or 24cm so that the user’s exact requirements can be matched. In addition to options for single length gel trays, the MultiSUB Screen is available with all three gel tray lengths to provide the maximum in flexibility, versatility and value. Buffer recirculation ports are included as standard to allow enhanced resolution over extended runs while loading guides enhance well visibility for easy sample loading.
Cat No.