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Capintec, Inc.
חברת Capintec, מקבוצת Mirion Medical, מייצרת ומספקת מוצרי רפואה גרעינית לצורכי אבחון וטיפול - דוס קליברטורים, סורקים, מערכות תירואיד ועוד.
*המחירים אינם כוללים מע"מ ועלולים להשתנות בהתאם למחירוני היצרן ולשערי המטבע
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
דוס קליברטור (Dose Calibrator)
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The new Capintec CRC®-55tR Dose Calibrator provides the speed and accuracy you need to measure and prepare doses with the reliability and performance you expect from Capintec. The CRC®-55tR’s design includes a menu driven, color touch screen interface that is easy to learn and use.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
דוס קליברטור (Dose Calibrator)
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The new Capintec CRC®-55tPET Dose Calibrator gives you the ultimate features in the industry’s finest package. The CRC®-55tPET Dose Calibrator is designed to meet the demands of your department with accuracy and ease of operation. Reduced chamber pressure and increased bias voltage increases the maximum activity range for high energy PET isotopes.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
דוס קליברטור (Dose Calibrator)
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As a combination of the new CRC®-55tR Dose Calibrator and Well Counter, the CRC®-55tW’s dose calibrator provides advanced features with the speed and accuracy you need to measure activity and prepare doses. Its ion chamber is one of Capintec’s time-tested, high pressure well designs capable of measuring a dose as high as 6 Ci (250 GBq) with high accuracy. The CRC®-55tW features a new helpful chamber plug-and-play capability.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
דוס קליברטור (Dose Calibrator)
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The CRC®-OPT-4 Smart Dose Calibrator system is a fully integrated network ready dose calibrator and management program which supports all nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy functions. Both the CRC®-PC Smart Dose Calibrator and Optility™ Management Software can be displayed on the same large All-In-One touch screen PC. The result is the fastest and most user friendly approach available for processing orders, tracking inventory, measuring and dispensing doses, patient record-keeping, and regulatory compliance.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
דוס קליברטור (Dose Calibrator)
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The CRC®-77tHR’s performance and reliability have been designed to meet the unique and demanding needs of the high-activity isotope manufacturing and radiopharmaceutical production environments.
The software is designed for rapid repeatable measurement functions often required in production, and includes a fully automated Quality Assurance Program. Hardware is carefully designed to minimize the impact of high radiation fields upon electronics. A touch screen user interface provides a user friendly and efficient workflow.
Some features include a high activity range of up to 400 Curies for Tc-99m, USB/PC Communications, and pre-defined communication protocols for fast and easy system interface.
Capintec offers a full line of related products to safely use the CRC-77tHR within your hot cell or hood environment.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
דוס קליברטור (Dose Calibrator)
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The new Capintec CRC-PC Smart Chamber combines Capintec’s well-known and highly reliable measurement chamber with an innovative Web based user interface to meet today’s business requirements. Remote connectivity and network ready interface set the Smart Chamber apart as the most advanced in dose calibration.
Available in two fill pressures. For unit dose hot labs, the HL model provides excellent low activity sensitivity while covering a wide clinical range of activities. For radiopharmacies, the lower fill pressure of the pharmacy RPh model extends the activity range to accommodate the higher activity yields of today’s generators and cyclotron sites.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
Well Counters
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Don’t worry about meeting the regulations in 10 CFR Part 35.315 (200 dpm requirements for unrestricted areas and iodine contamination). Capintec’s CAPRAC-t® Wipe-Test Counter handles all of them.
Measure for measure, no other well counter offers the speed, accuracy and complete range of built-in features provided by the compact CAPRAC-t®. It performs a wipe test in just 6 seconds (for 1 nCi) and detects extremely low levels of activity with the accuracy only a NaI drilled-well detector can provide.
The CAPRAC-t® can also serve as a single-well gamma counter in departments that do not need multi-sample changers. User-defined protocols, trigger levels, and counting times are a “snap”. A 256-channel pulse-height analyzer permits built-in gamma spectroscopy. Definable conversion factors for specific radionuclides allow the CAPRAC-t® to calculate results in cpm, dpm, nCi, cps, dps, or kBq. The CAPRAC-t also displays photon-energy histograms.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
Thyroid Uptake Systems
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The Captus® 4000e is a comprehensive Nuclear Medicine Measurement System, with specific software modules for thyroid uptake, bioassay, wipe tests, automated quality assurance tests, and isotope library. The system includes a fully functional 1024 channel MCA with auto and manual calibration. Timed activity mode features a programmable repetitive timed measurement program.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
Thyroid Uptake Systems
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The Captus® 4000e is a comprehensive Nuclear Medicine Measurement System, with specific software modules for thyroid uptake, bioassay, wipe tests, automated quality assurance tests, and isotope library. The system includes a fully functional 1024 channel MCA with auto and manual calibration. Timed activity mode features a programmable repetitive timed measurement program.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
Pin-Tec Syringe Shields
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Capintec’s PIN-TEC™ syringe shield incorporates the most popular design in syringe shields today. It is built to withstand the rigors of daily use by using a unique pin-action that grips the syringe and prevents it from inadvertently backing out or twisting in the shield. Capintec’s unique bright yellow florescent gloss reflects light better, which brightens the view of the syringe.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
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The PET Unit Dose Table provides a safe, compact and economical dose dispensing hot lab center for PET or high energy therapy doses. The dose calibrator and waste shield are flush mounted to optimize work surface area. Sturdy bottom shelf offers convenient storage.
For users who may already have an L-block or calibrator shielding, Capintec offers a basic system (item 5530-20207) which includes the PET UNIT DOSE TABLE, PET Sharp Shield, and calibrator mounting bracket. The calibrator stand will support any Capintec calibrator model.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
Shielding Devices
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Constructed of nine sets of 2 1/4″(6 cm) thick lead split rings for full shielding of a dose calibrator chamber. The positron shield gives maximum radiation protection when working with 511 KeV nuclides. The shield can either be flush mounted to a work surface or mounted on a table or cabinet.
Cat No.
המוצר נוסף לעגלה
Shielding Devices
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The Capintec PET sharps container shield is constructed to stand alone or to be recessed within a countertop. The shield is constructed of steel with 1″ lead lining and allows for simple and convenient disposal of 511keV radionuclides.
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